Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Kufi Caps with Flowers or Feathers!

I love the holiday season's and I also love the clothes that go with it, boots, coats, hats and all. I am ready for the summer weather to move on, and the cool weather to begain. That being said I started getting ready for cold weather. Here are some croqueted beanies, infant and toddler sizes. Each hat is decorated differently to give and idea of the different options. If you want one for your little one shoot me an email at rachelvolley@msn.com or check out my etsy page at rachelvolley. Enjoy!
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Friday, September 16, 2011

More Onesie's

Here are some more Onesies. I had an hour and a half bus ride to Port Charlotte for a volleyball game last night, which we won! But, on the boring bus ride I made these.

Hope you like them.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Orange and Blue Onesie

Here is an orange and blue onesie, for football season. If you know anyone, or have a young football player or cheerleader yourself, that needs an outfit for the team of your choice, it's as easy as sending an email at Rachelvolley@msn.com
And of course I have the headband to match.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


I am in love with onezies right now. I took plain white onezies and added fun flowers, and a little stitching. They turned out so cute I have already started more, including some decorated for the holiday season that is just around the corner. Email me if you want me to make you one or more!

And don't forget the headband to match :) 

Friday, September 2, 2011

My Kitchen Table

Since I was very young I have loved the 1950's. And I always wanted to have a metal topped table with wooden legs. About a month ago my mom told me there was one in her shed. My mom and I drug it out, so I could start fixing it up. There were wasp nest's under the table top and the white paint was more of a yellow. But with a little bit of sandpaper, paint, rust remove, and of course love. It looks good as new! I haven't found any metal and vinyl chairs yet, but I am looking. To make due for now I have four wooden chairs that I painted black and white to match the feel of the table.

Take a look.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Pillowcase Dress Pictures.

I have some more picture's of the pillowcase dresses, that were made for the birthday photo shoot. My friend Kristen, from Kristen Dunn Photography, did an absolutely amazing job.

I can not stress, how much fun I have making these dresses. And too see how different each of them look with simple changes is fantastic. I am in the process of putting them on Etsy, but until I get it all set up, if you want a costume dress for the holiday season email me at Rachelvolley@msn.com.